May 18, 2005

Day 10 - Reflection and Gratitude

The camp will be dismantled. Our way of life for the past nine days is now over. Today is just the wait, but what a wait it will be! Never in my life has a movie held so much potential and gravity in it's showing. We are convinced this will be a fine film, completing a void whose depth is known to us all; acting as a bridge to somewhere we've been before, though not knowing how we'd gotten there.

I will not go on and on in this post, my presence is needed down at the line. I want to thank Emperor Wandrey for showing the films, for projecting them for all of us to see (along with El Newport Grande for his screen); thanks also to Noviwan and Grand Moth Elliot for staying as much as they did, protecting our investment. Thanks to Chewdumma for his grace and surefire foresight, though I know not what he says unless an interpreter is there, and also to Darth Jewey and Anakin Scottwalker for supplies. Jarhead, you are a beautiful person with depth and depthnicity.

And finally, a big thank you to my wife and the other wives for their support in this matter, and for not withholding sex throughout the duration of our cause.

I leave you now and may the force be with us.

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