May 05, 2005

Speaking of poop...

My last post actually reminded me of the laugh-fest we had last night at school, revisiting what is probably the funniest sketch in the history of Late Night With Conan O'Brian: Triumph the Comic Insult Dog vs. the Star Wars Campers. Guaranteed to make you pee your pants.

My favorite line: "Which of these buttons calls your parents to come pick you up?"

Classic stuff... FOR ME TO POOP ON!!!

Daily Variety validates Episode III

I'm emerging from my weeklong, reclusive, Howard Hughes-like state (law school finals... who knew you actually had to study) to bring good news to the faithful: Daily Variety has penned a review of Episode III, and it's even better than they expected...

The Force returns with most of its original power regained in "Star Wars: Episode III -- Revenge of the Sith." Concluding entry in George Lucas' second three-pack of space epics teems with action, drama and spectacle, and even supplies the odd surge of emotion, as young Anakin Skywalker goes over to the Dark Side, and the stage is set for the generation of stories launched by the original "Star Wars" 28 years ago. Whatever one thought of the previous two installments, this dynamic picture irons out most of the problems, and emerges as the best in the overall series since "The Empire Strikes Back."

Before I comment, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Alex. I am a huge Star Wars fan. However, I admittedly belong to the small fan contingent that thinks Episode I was a craptastic crap-fest of a disaster that I guess you could also call a movie (yes, you all can stone me at the campout). As far as the early reviews were concerned, lots of fans criticized the press for all their negativity towards the movie. And you know what? They were dead on. I mean, Midichlorians? Jar-Jar Binks? Jake "I can't even act like a freaking ten year old" Lloyd? I know I'm sounding like, but come on, do I really need to continue?

The press wasn't far off in its assessment of Episode II, either. They basically said it was much better, but still not quite on par with the original three. I watched it, loved it, but tended to agree with their verdict.

That said, the above review, as well as Kevin Smith's review (see below) and basically all of the media chatter thus far all say the same thing: this movie more than makes up for the last two. I got a warm fuzzy feeling inside when Episode III got a PG-13 rating (and I've seen pictures that convince me it is well deserved), and the earlier plot spoilers make it sound like Lucas removed his head from his anus long enough to write a surprisingly good script. It's looking like this is going to be one to remember...

Given the general awareness of what's going to happen, it's up to Lucas to make it exciting. Despite fans' varying degrees of loss of faith that set in with "Menace" and "Clones," most will be inspired enough to believe again.

Here's hoping...